Cottage Country Garden

About This Project

This garden has large sweeping beds with curved edges that flow down the hill side and wrap around a raised patio area.

The beds are viewed from all sides so it was important to have a variety of heights in the planting palette. We have selected taller shrubs through the centre of the bed grading down to mid level perennials and shrubs on each side. The planting then steps down further in height to border or ground cover plants along the edges of the bed. The plantings through these beds aim to give year round form and seasonal colour.

All plants were chosen for their leaf colour, texture, size and shape. The Escallonia, Viburnum and Teucrium are planted in the centre of the beds to give the evergreen structure and form for twelve months of the year. Perennials such as Salvia species, Roses, Lavender and Indian Hawthorne give pops of colour throughout the year. Then the beds are bordered with Santolina, Catnip and Statice.