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When the opportunity arose to build a show garden for Grand Designs Live 2014 I thought why not.  In the past I had been involved with show gardens at the now defunct Sydney in Bloom knew what a huge effort these gardens can be however...

I always love to introduce yellow flowers in my garden designs.  They are a fantastic way to bring brightness, warmth, and a sense of happiness to your outdoor space. Yellow flowers can add a pop of color to your garden and create a cheerful and...

Hopefully you have had a chance to spend some time in the garden in the past month.  It has definitely been the perfect weather to be out working in the garden.I will be planting my spring bulbs soon as mentioned in the last newsletter here...

It is interesting to consider the effects and impacts that different flower colours and foliage colour have on a garden and the impression they leave on a gardener or an observer of the garden.  I know many people who would not consider themselves gardeners or...

PLANT DOCTOR - Elm Leaf BeetleHas anyone noticed the leaves of their Elms trees look quite brown and mottled?The Golden Elms will suffer from an Elm Leaf Beetle attack.  All species of Elm can be affected however Chinese Elms are less likely.IdentificationThe elm leaf beetles...

GARDEN TASKS FOR EARLY AUTUMN It is a busy time in the garden at the moment. I love the crisp mornings they seem to give me energy and encouragement to get working in the garden.  Time spent now in the garden will be well spent...

I’m very excited to announce that I will be holding a garden workshop at “Glencara” – home to the Rustic Maze next month.  It will be a focus on Autumn tasks in the garden. We will discuss what garden tasks you can complete in your...

Here are some of the key points you should consider before you start designing your home garden.Take the Time to Plan A successful garden starts with a plan or a sketch of your outdoor space. Having a base plan or mud map of your garden...

Vertical space in a garden is important for several reasons. It allows for increased plant and crop production in a limited horizontal area, making it an efficient use of space. A green wall or a support system on the vertical space can maximize the yield...

The hot and dry conditions are definitely causing the weeds, lawn and vegetation growth to slow down.  We are still watering everything as much as possible as the warmer temperatures and windy days are drying the soil out quickly.  I’ve noticed a number of established...