This five acre country garden had been used as a paddock for cattle grazing and crop sowing for the previous 100 years. Turning a paddock into a garden is a challenging process but we are now five years into this project and it is growing well. The front garden was designed to have a level lawn area directly adjacent to the house this is then bordered with a planting of roses and mixed perennials these included Penstemons, Phlomis, Euphorbia “Wulfenii”, Bearded Iris, Kniphofias and Catnip. The rose planting was designed to give a bold effect by planting in blocks of three roses of the same variety. The bank below this bed is planted out with block plantings of Lavender, Salvia and Rosemary. These were laid out in curves down the slope so that they form a fabulous foliage effect of waves of silver floating down the slope.