10 Oct Plants in Bloom
With our garden maintenance business we have the unique experience to be travelling around this region visiting our clients and their gardens. We travel up to 2 hours in any direction from Young for our garden maintenance clients and we will travel even further for our garden design consults. We do have the opportunity to see such a wide range of plant species. Below I share with you the flowering plants (for October) that I think are reliable, hardy and definitely worth growing in your garden. By sharing the names of the plants when they are flowering, I hope you can then select plants for locations in your garden that might need some hits of colour at that particular time of year. I know this newsletter goes out to people located all over Australia and other parts of the world. As a general guide if you live further north east of Young or on the coast I would say the plants listed here are flowering 3 – 4 weeks or so earlier. If you live further south most likely these plants will be a few weeks later. I have listed out the top ten plants that are in flower at the moment in the gardens at The Berkshires and around the Hilltops region below. I hope this gives you some plant inspiration.
Plants in Bloom for October
1 Wisteria spp
2 Ceanothus spp
3 Bearded Iris and Dutch Iris
4 Beschoneria yuccoides
5 Natives – Acacia and Grevillea
6 Lilacs
7 May Bush – Spirea
8 Statice – Limonium
9 Roses – the first one to bud up in our Rose collection is the “Wedding Anniversary” Rose
10 All the spring flowering trees – Pyrus, Malus, Prunus, Cercis and Magnolia (see the article below about Tree Selection for more info on these trees)