Its a busy time in the garden at the moment. I love the crisp mornings they seem to give me energy and encouragement to get working in the garden. Time spent now in the garden will be well spent to prepare you garden for the coldest months.
Its the time to purchase and plant your Spring Bulbs for a comprehensive guide go to our blog post from this time last year. Click here
Its planting time !! So get digging and get those plants in the ground. Now is a great time to plant most plants as the ground is still warm so these plants will settle in quickly. Autumn really is the best time to plant out your garden.
Cut back dead flowers on summer flowering plants
Give the garden a good shaping – start shaping hedges and climbers
Start lifting and dividing your spring flowering perennials plants. It is always such a gift when one plant can become four plants. You can spread them out in other spots in your garden or you can give some away to friends.
In the Veggie Garden start planting out beetroot, regular peas, snow peas, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, broad beans, carrots, sugar snap peas, chives, leek, salad greens swede, turnip, parsnip, onions and radish,
Plant out some winter flowering plants such as Poppies, Calendula, Pansy, Cineraria and Chrysanthemums
Feed all garden beds with an organic pellet fertiliser we are using Neutrog’s Seamungus Remember to water fertiliser in well.
Fertiliser your lawns with a granular fertiliser. Ideally if you aim to have the fertiliser spread before a rain this will save you having to water it in as much. If you do have a large number of weeds through your lawn you could do a Broadleaf spray herbicide through the lawn areas.
Start to mulch all beds