01 Nov Companion Planting
Companion Planting is the process of planting out a combination of different species in close proximity to each other. This placement of plants in turn will have beneficial effects for each plant on either a chemical, physical or biological level. This planting method is particularly useful in herb and vegetable growing. The use of companion planting can reduce the amount of insect attack and or disease found on plants. This is very helpful in helping reduce the amount of chemicals used on your plants to control those issues in the garden.
Some proven successful combinations of plant species are;
Marigolds (Stinking Rogers) planted out in veggie beds will repel a number of bugs with their somewhat smelly foliage and are proven to kill nematodes in the soil, they also have the added benefit of having bright coloured flowers which will attract insects to your cropping plants for pollination.
Chives, Thyme and Catnip planted with roses will deter aphids and other typical rose diseases
Basil works well with tomatoes by repelling flies and mosquitoes
Dill, Chervil and Coriander growing in between Carrots will help to deter insects.
Alternating Leeks and Carrots in rows will protect each other from insect attack
Beetroot, Onions, Silver Beet, Lettuce, Cabbage and Dwarf Beans all work in combination with each other to create a mini ecosystem and will battle through insect attack well together
Planting Onions, Garlic, Drumstick Alliums or any of the members of the Allium family around your flowers will help deter aphids from your flowering plants.