Spring Overwhelm
I can honestly say that October's garden to do list has not gone to plan so I'm still catching up. Sometimes real life gets in the way of all the things you want to do in the garden. When the challenges of the every day...
I can honestly say that October's garden to do list has not gone to plan so I'm still catching up. Sometimes real life gets in the way of all the things you want to do in the garden. When the challenges of the every day...
With the warm weather fast approaching it is important to prepare your garden so it is able to battle through the summer months.Increase the water holding capacity of your soil The easiest and quickest way of doing this is to add organic matter to the soil....
It has been ten years this week since we first broke ground at the garden at the Berkshires. The first section we started work on was the front garden. What a difference ten years makes. Take a look at the following before and after images.BEFORE...
Trees are the living structures of the garden that most likely will be the longest lived element in your garden, they will give the garden height, shade, permanence and as they grow older the trees will give the garden character and a sense of age. If...
GARDEN TASKS Firstly, I have to admit I have never really wanted to give gardeners a monthly to do list in their garden as if you are a gardener, this list can be and normally is never ending. So my first task for you this...
PLANTS IN BLOOM With our garden maintenance business we have the unique experience to be travelling around this region visiting our clients and their gardens. We travel up to 2 hours in any direction from Young for our garden maintenance clients and we will travel even...
I decided to compile a set of activities for kids to do in the garden. It is always important to encourage kids to have some type of time spent outside. These activities are suitable for a range of age groups. Some may need more of...
Garden Tasks for Early Spring *With the slightly warmer weather and regular showers of rain the weed growth is going to be powering on. Trying to keep on top of weed growth now should be a priority. In an ideal world, if you can try to...
In the last ten years of gardening at the Berkshires we have noticed a significant increase in the number of birds around the garden. When we were creating the garden we were coming out of a ten years of drought. Around the old house some...
I was busy weeding a client’s garden bed during the week when I felt a gentle breeze blow across my face and I was showered with pale pink papery petals. I stopped for a second and looked up into the canopy of a Prunus “Nigra”...