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When the sun does come out there are still lots to be done in the garden. Now is the time to take full advantage of the reduced or slowing down of growth in the garden. Putting time aside to tackle the weeds, complete all your winter...

Pull all your garden tools together. Give them a clean with warm soapy water. Biodegradable detergent is best. Check your garden tools are sharp and oil your secateursOrganise how you store your tools -small hand tools could be stored in a bucket of clean sand....

When it comes to flowering plants, it’s hard to go past roses, with their gorgeous flowers and lovely scents. If they are planted in the right location they will be very hardy, long-lived and long-flowering plants. Here in the garden at The Berkshires we have them...

Roses are available to purchase in two ways. They will be sold as a potted plant or a bare rooted plant. Some rose specialists suggest you should not plant a new Rose in the same location as where another Rose has been. If you do need...

FertiliserRoses are very heavy feeders so you need to ensure they receive enough nutrients throughout the growing season. I would recommend spreading organic natural fertiliser on plants twice a season in autumn, spring and summer. Especially at the beginning of spring when the chances of...

Above image: An Unpruned RoseMid to late winter is the time to prune your Roses.Roses will respond well to pruning – they will produce much more new growth and you will get many more flowers. Most roses will go completely dormant in winter, however some...

Through the grey days of winter I always love to have a selection of pots out on the deck or at the front door with some flowering colour – I have a soft spot for the flowers of Pansies or Violas so they will always...

It is at this time of year, when all the leaves have fallen from the canopies of deciduous trees that you can really see the true shape and habit of your deciduous trees.These clearer views makes it a great time to prune your deciduous trees....

Frost can actually be good in your gardenDespite all the damage a frost can have on your garden there are some plants that actually need a frost for their fruit growth. Many fruit trees such as Cherries, Peaches and Apricots, require a certain number of...