10 Jul Garden Related Tasks For Wet Weather Days
The weather here in the Hilltops region has been wet and cold for a few weeks now. I will never complain about receiving rain as I know what’s it is like to be in drought so please don’t take this as complaining but it is hard to stay inspired and motivated with your gardening tasks when conditions are not favourable. Working in a light shower is bearable but when it’s constant rain and wind all day it really is not fun and probably not great for your own health either. Working in water bogged garden beds can also damage your soil causing compaction so best avoided. Winter is the time of year when I love working in the garden but some days are just not suitable for gardening. I have compiled a few tasks that are still gardening related that will hopefully still allow you to feel like you have achieved something in the garden when we have continuous days of wet winter weather.
-Pull all your garden tools together, give them a clean with warm soapy water (biodegradable detergent is best)
-Check your garden tools are sharp
-Oil your secateurs
-Organise how you store your tools -small hand tools could be stored in a bucket of clean sand.
-Larger cutting tools could be hung on a rack
-Rakes, spades and shovels can be grouped in large garbage bins with bricks in the bottom for stabilisation.
-Tidy and arrange your garden equipment storage area so you can easily get to your tools.
-Check if you are going to be needing any bagged products such as premium garden mix, potting mixture, fertiliser for upcoming plantings etc – if you have a dry spot to store these products you could purchase them now so they are ready to go for when the sun is shining.
-In between showers check the drainage in your garden beds and across paving areas. Check if the water is getting away easily? Do you have pools of water sitting in spots?
-Try not to let your swimming pools overflow into garden areas. Let water out via overflow/ waste water pipes before it gets to this stage. Constant chlorinated or salt water spilling into beds will have an adverse affect on your soils and plants
-Think about what plants you will be needing for upcoming plantings- visit your local garden centres for some inspiration or look on line at some plant mail order companies
-Now is the time to source your summer flowering bulbs such as Dahlias, Gladioli and Lilies.
-Check what your veggie garden is doing – start planning what seeds you may need for your warm season veggie crops. Check what seeds you may already have. Work out a plan of what needs to be sown and when. Do they need to be planted out in trays first or can you direct sow them?
-In between showers take the time to check your plants for any pests and diseases. Fungal diseases can be more prevalent in wet conditions. Look out for snails and slugs.
-If the showers are light and there is no forecast for hail or freezing temperatures move your indoor plants outside to give them a lovely wash down.
-Take all your outdoor potted plants out of their saucers of water so they don’t get totally water logged.
-In between showers spread pelletised organic fertiliser to your beds so it can be watered in well by the rain.
-Be careful of walking too much on water logged soils as you will cause more damage via soil compaction whilst the soil is boggy.