08 Jun Early Winter Garden Tasks and Planting Ideas
I can never really explain it but Winter for me is an energising and inspirational time in the garden.
Probably the biggest factor is the coolers temperatures we experience here in the Hilltops region. I don’t mind layering up with thermals, woollen jumpers, polar fleeces or a Drizabone and gumboots to get out in the garden. I just seem to achieve so much more in a day compared to the hot sweaty weather in Summer.
Hopefully you feel the same because with these cooler temperature the plants, trees, lawn and even weed growth is slowing down. You really have a bit of time on your side to get ahead with things in the garden.
Here are some early winter garden tasks along with some specific planting ideas for the winter garden
Garden Tasks
- Now is the time to prune Hydrangeas and other deciduous shrubs such as May Bush and Buddleias.
- It is time to prune your stone fruit trees such as Cherries, Apricots and Peaches
- Protect any frost tender plants – see Feature on Frost in this month’s newsletter
- Start planting out bare rooted trees and roses. Dig through organic garden compost or composted animal manure to build up the soil.
- Continue to mulch all garden areas as mentioned last month it is good to do this after fertilising beds. Giving the beds a blanket of mulch now will help protect plants from frost damage, suppress weed growth and prepare them for the start of spring. If you do have lots of fallen deciduous leaves don’t forget you can use these as mulch, ideally compost first.

Garden Planting Ideas
- For a splash of colour through the cooler months plant out a mix of flowering annuals such Violas species such as Pansy. Their happy faces bring a lovely pop of colour to your garden.
- For the herb garden don’t forget there are many perennials herbs that you can use in your garden that will remain evergreen throughout the cooler months. For example Rosemary, Thyme, Oregano
- In the Veggie garden continue with succession planting of your cool season/winter vegetables – depending on your climate these may need to be in the form of seedlings rather than seeds. Veggies to plant out now anything in the Brassica family (eg Cabbage, Kale, Broccoli, Cauliflower, and Brussel Sprouts) turnips, onions, leeks, carrots, Asian greens beetroots, snow peas, spinach, broad beans and radishes.
- Research some ideas for companion plantings to use in your garden – this can help in your veggie garden or even on some of your ornamental plants to help prevent insect attack in the warmer months. An example is use Sage around members of the Brassica family to repel caterpillars and moths or use Petunias and Nasturtiums under citrus trees as sacrificial plants to attract aphids away from the citrus trees.