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Succession Planting means you plant out a space with a variety of plants that can grow together happily, give you more options to harvest for a greater length of time. It makes the most out of the space. When I design a garden I always...

I spent last weekend pulling out all of the Dahlias and Zinnias plants. The cooler weather definitely finished off their flowering and all of their foliage was starting to get a bit daggy looking so it was time to move to the next season of...

Turning a paddock into a gardenChapter One - Discovering the original garden At “The Berkshires”Last week on one of our sparkling Autumn days I was reminded of how far we have come in creating the garden at “The Berkshires”.  I was driving back up to...

We have finally added some greenery to our veranda.  The veranda has been renovated for over two years but I could not make a decision on which pots to use and what plants to plant out.  I didn’t want to end up with all different...

Hopefully you have had a chance to spend some time in the garden in the past month.  It has definitely been the perfect weather to be out working in the garden.I will be planting my spring bulbs soon as mentioned in the last newsletter here...

Winter in the garden is a time when you can really see the garden in its barest bones. If you have a more cottage style garden with lots of flowering herbaceous perennials you will find the garden quite bare in the winter months. I noticed...

Its a busy time in the garden at the moment. I love the crisp mornings they seem to give me energy and encouragement to get working in the garden.  Time spent now in the garden will be well spent to prepare you garden for the...

These are my top 5 flowering plants for the garden in Autumn.  All of which are suitable to pick and use as a cut flower.Sedum "Autumn Joy" And Sedum "Matrona"  "Autumn Joy" has bright green foliage with green to cream buds opening to a bright pink before...

This past Spring and Summer I have really embraced growing flowers in the garden with the aim to have home grown flowers to pick and put in vases around the house and at Mum’s and Dad's house. We created a meadow garden and also turned...

This past Summer had milder temperatures with a large amount of  rain for us here in the Hilltops Region so I know the weeds for many have been a nightmare including kikuyu growing through garden beds. It’s been a NIGHTMARE! I thought I would share...