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Growing fruit trees is another dimension you can add to your edible garden. In this issue we will focus on growing citrus, stone fruit and the pome fruits such as apples. Next issue in our Garden Greetings Newsletter we will focus on avocados, persimmon and...

This month is when I will be completing all the Rose pruning on our roses for all the tips on how to do this, check out my blog post hereContinuing on with the pruning theme I also have some deciduous trees and stone fruit to...

In the cooler months we are spending more time indoors and its always nice to bring the outdoors inside with indoor plants. Indoor gardening can be a little tricky but persistence is the key and well worth it in the end so you can have...

I have just spend a rainy day planning, researching, sketching, sourcing materials and selecting plants for our next stage of planting at the garden at the Berkshires.I have a few large areas to plant out that probably won’t happen until next year but Im starting...

After working in retail garden centres for over ten years I can not tell you how important it is to know which Buxus is which. Any new employees of the garden centre would be given a rundown of each species that we sold.  We would...

Discovering the original garden at “The Berkshires”The crown lifting and reduction pruning on the avenue of Peppercorns meant we could assess if it was possible to extend a new driveway from the road to the base of the trees, and then up through the trees...

Winter has arrived, for this being the first week of winter it has definitely arrived with vengeance! Bringing a polar blast to most of NSW.  As the growth does start to slow down in the garden it is a good time to get to all...

I love when the rays of the sun hit an Autumn foliage tree just at the right angle so that the tree's canopy looks like it is glowing. Paying attention to your deciduous trees locally through Autumn  should help you make decisions when it comes...