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Companion Planting is the process of planting out a combination of different species in close proximity to each other. This placement of plants in turn will have beneficial effects for each plant on either a chemical, physical or biological level.  This planting method is particularly...

I have always designed my gardens to be drought tolerant by selecting plants that cope with drier conditions. This is the condition we deal within this area, most of the time. Many of these plants however do not cope well with constantly wet soil. The...

Start preparing the soil for Dahlia tubers. See recent blog post For warm season grasses like Buffalo, Couch and Kikuyu, it’s time to do your spring renovation.  This might include scarifying,  dethatching, aerating, topdressing and fertilizing. Fertilise your Roses. I like to use Sudden Impact Fertiliser this...

I normally aim to have my Dahlias in the ground by Melbourne Cup Day.  The main issue with timing is to not plant them too early in spring as if there are any later frosts their new shoots may be burnt off.  If you live...

Continuing on from the last month's Garden Greetings Newsletter on growing fruit trees, I have focused on three somewhat unusual fruits here in this month's issue.AvocadoThey make gorgeous evergreen trees but you will need the space to accommodate them.  Ideally they will need a sheltered...

*Trying to keep on top of weed growth now should be a priority.  In an ideal world, if you can try to set yourself up a weeding and mulching program this will be a good way to start.  It can be very overwhelming to look...

BEFORE - The front hillside of the garden - on the day it was planted AFTER - The front hillside of the garden - six years old Continuing on with the story (from last month’s issue)The Design Concept After completing the site analysis (as discussed in...

Continuing on from last month’s article on Indoor Plant Care – this month we are focusing on selecting your indoor plants with a range of plant suggestions listed belowThe plants which do work best for indoors tend to be species which in nature naturally grow...