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With summer only a few months away and the possibility we are heading into another drought, having a working irrigation system in your garden might be just what you and your garden will need.  The most water efficient method of watering garden beds is to...

With the weather hopefully beginning to warm up I’m sure the opportunity to use your outdoor spaces for entertaining will increase too.  In the past few years, with the gardens we care for, we have been involved with preparing the gardens for large celebrations such...

Ever since I was a child I have loved growing winter annuals, particularly pansies and violas. My parents always had a lovely display of winter and spring/summer  flowers dedicating whole garden beds and large pots to them.  Dad is a very authentic, traditional gardener who...

The weather here in the Hilltops region has been wet and cold for a few weeks now. I will never complain about receiving rain as I know what's it is like to be in drought so please don't take this as complaining but it is...

Mid winter is a great time to reflect, to think and to consider what you want in the garden, what works in the garden and what doesn’t work.  I like to look at the garden critically to see what sections don’t have enough green or...

Flowers and structure in your garden for Winter When the amount of daylight available becomes shorter in the winter months you want to make sure your time outdoors gardening is well spent and enjoyable.  The chill of winter may have crept into your garden, the...

Winter has arrived. It is predicted to be a warmish winter ahead.  I hope this prediction comes true. Although the cooler days have allowed everything in the garden to slow down in its growth.  This slow down has included the weeds and the lawn growth...

Continuing on with the Planting Season Series from last month. Once you have identified what the conditions of your site are. You can start making decisions on what plants you use.  When it comes to combining plants, I tend to look at plants as all...

PLANTING SEASON SERIESContinuing on with the Planting Season Series from last month - before you start your planting  you need to know your soil. Starting below ground level is always best when it comes to planting. The soil in your garden is the key to...

It is a busy time in the garden at the moment. I love the crisp mornings they seem to give me energy and encouragement to get working in the garden.  Time spent now in the garden will be well spent to prepare your garden for...