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Vertical space in a garden is important for several reasons. It allows for increased plant and crop production in a limited horizontal area, making it an efficient use of space. A green wall or a support system on the vertical space can maximize the yield...

The hot and dry conditions are definitely causing the weeds, lawn and vegetation growth to slow down.  We are still watering everything as much as possible as the warmer temperatures and windy days are drying the soil out quickly.  I’ve noticed a number of established...

Variegated foliage in plants is a subject that elicits strong opinions from both plant enthusiasts and casual gardeners. Some people love the unique and eye-catching appearance that variegated foliage adds to a garden, while others dislike it for various reasons.Why I have come to love...

For centuries gardens have provided a place to grow food, a place to study botany and nature, a place to grow lifesaving medications and a place to be a sanctuary for contemplation and meditation.  Overall, the task of gardening offers an holistic approach to improving...

It is very time consuming mowing and weeding at this time of year unfortunately there aren’t any quick ways around escaping these garden tasks.Check your irrigation systems, adjust for the season.  Make sure you double check any lawn pop ups to make sure the grass...

LETS TALK MULCH - MULCHING SERIESIdeally mulching should follow weeding and fertilising (if possible). Like weeding I would recommend trying to mulch one area at a time.Why mulch?   Mulch will help retain the moisture in the soil, slow down weed growth, moderate soil temperature in...

Insider Tips for Home Gardeners from a professional gardener I only share this because I know alot of home gardeners follow this page and I want to give you some tips to be aware of when you are employing a garden contractor to do a...

My first task for you this month is to make the time to enjoy your garden.  Now that daylight saving has started, take the time to have a walk around the garden in the evening with a refreshing beverage to enjoy the garden or select...

Spring has arrived! I always have a little hesitation about the arrival of Spring. Yes, I love the warmer temperatures and the beautiful blossoms but along with those positive elements comes the knowing that there will be an outburst of growth on every front including...

Paddock treesIf you live on a farm growing trees in open paddock areas can be a difficult task. Trees may be needed to provide shade for livestock or as wind breaks or even to create avenues along driveways. Not too mention revegetation areas.Tree plantings in...